IALG Seminars 2013 – 2014

Manly, Rotterdam, San Francisco

The 8th IALG group came together three times over the course of nine months to work on their assignment related to three different future-related scenarios. The first seminar was hosted by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and New South Wales Police Force (NSW) in Manly, the second seminar by The Netherlands Police in Rotterdam and the final seminar by the FBI in San Francisco.

IALG Assignment 2013-2014:

The IALG has been presented with three scenarios set ten years into the future, based on the global trends identified by the Joint Global Vision working group in 2013. The members of the IALG have been challenged to put themselves in the place of their leadership and consider the human, rather than technical, requirements of police to handle these scenarios, and how police will fit into the whole-of-community response in the future. Furthermore, the IALG has been be tasked with looking at the problem from not only a response perspective, but also prevention and managing the aftermath.


Assignment giver: Andrew Scipione, Commissioner of the New South Wales Police Force, Australia


Previous IALG Seminars

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  • 2022 - 2023
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  • 2021 - 2022
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